All the artists at Tribal Rites have different booking availability. The best way to go about setting a tattoo appointment is to first decide which artist you are interested in working with. Next, contacting us by telephone is the easiest way to find out when your artist is booking based on the tattoo work you are interested in receiving. Appointments are normally scheduled via email. Our shop tattoos ages 18 and up.
The best ways to get in touch with our artists is via email. Here is a list of their current email addresses.
Curtis Burgess:
Erick Erickson:
Mikal Hansen: (Holds walk-in days periodically…Keep an eye out!)
Laura Metcoff:
Tanner Dow: (currently available for walk-ins)
Kevin Bledsoe: or DM on instagram at @kevinbledsoeart
In some cases our artists prefer to book consultations prior to booking a tattoo appointment. Consultations can be scheduled via email (these appointments will be held in person. Arrangements can be made if you don’t live locally.) Beginning the tattoo process in this manner can ensure that you and your artist are on the same page in terms of design, placement, size, pricing, etc. These appointments typically take 15-30 minutes.
Each artist takes a non-refundable cash deposit for all tattoo appointments. The deposit is normally $100 and goes towards the final price of the tattoo. You can always reschedule your appointment with 24 hours notice, but since our artists take time to work on your design and set aside time for you, changing your mind or not showing up forfeits the deposit. Deposits are cash only! Please remember to bring cash if you would like to book an appointment. (We do take cards for the actual tattoo however)
Tribal Rites is a full custom tattoo studio and each of our artists have a unique individual style. Because of their busy schedules it’s difficult to have custom artwork available for the client prior to the scheduled appointment. Clients can view their drawing and make any changes they want at their scheduled tattoo appointment. Rest assured that years of experience have shown us that this is the best method to get the best work from the artist and most satisfaction from the client.
Tribal Rites absolutely loves walk-ins. Although some of our artists may be booked for a period of time, they sometimes have cancellations and really enjoy taking walk-ins. We also have artists on staff who perform walk-ins on a daily basis, so we encourage clients to swing by or give us a call, and we will do our best to get you in! Walk-ins are never guaranteed.
Contact Us for a Tattoo Consultation
Book a consultation with one of our accomplished tattoo artists Beginning the tattoo process in this manner can ensure that you and your artist are on the same page in terms of design, placement, size, pricing, etc. These appointments typically take 15-30 minutes.